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发布日期:2020-06-04 作者: 来源: 点击数:
















2008.09-2013.03 西安交通大学航天航空学院,工学博士

2004.09-2008.07 西安交通大学理学院,理学学士








· 生物力学/力学生物学

· 智能生物材料与器件

主要论文著作(#为共同第一作者, *为通讯作者)

1. L. Niu, Y. Jia, M. Wu, H. Liu, Y. Hong, Y. Hu, X. Zhang, D. Gao, F.   Xu, G. Huang*. Matrix stiffness controls cardiac fibroblast   differentiation through regulating YAP via AT1R. Journal of   Cellular Physiology, 235(11): 8345-8357, 2020

2. H. Liu#, M.   Wu#, Y. Jia, L.   Niu, G. Huang*, F. Xu*. The shape of fibroblasts regulates their   responses to mechanical and biochemical cues in three dimensions. NPG Asia   Materials, 12(1): 45, 2020

3. W. Zhang, G. Huang*, F. Xu. Engineering biomaterials and   approaches for mechanical stretching of cells in three dimensions. Frontiers   in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8: 589590, 2020

4. B. Cheng#,   W. Wan#, G.   Huang, Y. Li, G.M. Genin, M.R.K. Mofrad, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, M. Lin*.   Nanoscale integrin cluster dynamics controls cellular mechanosensing via   FAKY397 phosphorylation. Science Advances, 6(10): eaax1909, 2020

5. G. Jin, W. Li, F. Song, J. Zhao, M. Wang, Q. Liu, A. Li, G. Huang   and F. Xu*. Fluorescent conjugated polymer nanovector for in vivo tracking   and regulating the fate of stem cells for restoring infarcted myocardium. Acta   Biomaterialia, 109: 195-207, 2020

6. G. Zhao, X. Zhang, B. Li, G. Huang, F. Xu, X. Zhang*.   Solvent-Free Fabrication of carbon nanotube/silk fibroin electrospun matrices   for enhancing cardiomyocyte functionalities. ACS Biomaterials Science   & Engineering, 6(3): 1630–1640, 2020

7. M. Wang, B. Cheng, Y. Yang, H. Liu, G. Huang, L. Han, F. Li*,   F. Xu*. Microchannel stiffness and confinement jointly induce the   mesenchymal-amoeboid transition of cancer cell migration. Nano Letters,   19: 5949−5958, 2019

8. G. Zhao#, X.   Bao#, G. Huang,   F. Xu*, X. Zhang*. Differential effects of directional cyclic stretching on   the functionalities of engineered cardiac tissues. ACS Applied Bio Materials,   2(8): 3508-3519, 2019

9. Y. Ji#, Q.   Yang#, G. Huang,   M. Shen, Z. Jian, M.J. Thoraval, Q. Lian, X. Zhang*, F. Xu*. Improved   resolution and fidelity of droplet-based bioprinting by upward ejection. ACS   Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 5(8): 4112-4121, 2019

10. G. Huang, F. Xu, G.M. Genin, T.J. Lu*. Mechanical microenvironments of living   cells: a critical frontier in mechanobiology. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(2):   265-269, 2019

11. J. Tian#, G. Huang#, M. Lin, J. Qiu, B. Sha, T.J. Lu*, F. Xu*.   A mechanoelectrical coupling model of neurons under stretching. Journal of   the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 93: 213-221, 2019

12. H. Qing#, G.   Jin#, G. Zhao, G. Huang, Y. Ma, X. Zhang, B.   Sha, Z. Luo, T.J. Lu*, F. Xu*. Heterostructured silk-nanofiber-reduced graphene   oxide composite scaffold for SH-SY5Y cell alignment and differentiation. ACS   Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(15), 39228–39237, 2018

13. G. Zhao, H. Qing, G. Huang, G.M. Genin, T.J. Lu, Z. Luo, F. Xu*, X.   Zhang*. Reduced graphene oxide functionalized nanofibrous silk fibroin   matrices for engineering excitable tissues. NPG Asia Materials, 10,   982-994, 2018

14. C. Ji#, F.   Song#, G. Huang#, S. Wang, H. Liu, S.   Liu, L. Huang, S. Liu, J. Zhao, T.J. Lu*, F. Xu*. The protective effects of   acupoint gel embedding on rats with myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Life   Sciences, 211: 51-62, 2018

15. Y. Ma#, M.   Lin#, G. Huang, Y. Li, S. Wang, H.   Yang, A. Li, T. J. Lu, F. Xu*. Three-dimensional spatiotemporal mechanical   microenvironment: a hydrogel-based platform for guiding stem cell fate. Advanced   Materials, 1705911, 2018

16. 徐峰, 张晓慧*, 鲍雪娇, 赵国旭, 刘付生, 黄国友, 李昱辉和卢天健. 基于先进生物材料的心肌细胞力电微环境体外构建. 力学进展, 48: 320-359, 2018

17. W. Zhang, G. Huang*, K. Ng, Y. Ji, B. Gao, Q. Huang, J. Zhou,   T.J. Lu, F. Xu. Engineering ellipsoidal cap-like hydrogel particles as   building blocks or sacrificial templates for three-dimensional cell culture. Biomaterials   Science, 6(4): 885-892, 2018

18. 胡焱, 洪源, 师念园, 黄国友和赵昕*. 基于甲基丙烯酸酯明胶的神经干细胞三维微环境的构建调控. 中国科技论文, 12(24): 2770-2776,   2017

19. G. Huang#, F. Li#, X. Zhao, Y. Ma, Y. Li,   M. Lin, G. Jin, T.J. Lu, G.M. Genin and F. Xu*. Functional and biomimetic   materials for engineering of the three-dimensional cell microenvironment. Chemical   Reviews, 117(20): 12764-12850, 2017

20. B. Cheng, M. Lin, G.   Huang, Y.H. Li, B.H. Ji, G.M. Genin, V.S. Deshpande, T.J. Lu and F. Xu*. Energetics:   An emerging frontier in cellular mechanosensing: Reply to comments on   “Cellular mechanosensing of the biophysical microenvironment: A review of   mathematical models of biophysical regulation of cell responses”. Physics   of Life Reviews, 22-23: 130-135, 2017

21. B. Cheng, M. Lin, G.   Huang, Y.H. Li, B.H. Ji, G.M. Genin, V.S. Deshpande, T.J. Lu and F. Xu*. Cellular   mechanosensing of the biophysical microenvironment: A review of mathematical   models of biophysical regulation of cell responses. Physics of Life   Reviews, 22-23: 88-119, 2017

22. Y.L. Han#,   M.X. Li#, Q.Z. Yang#, G. Huang, H. Liu, Y.D.   Qin, G.M. Genin, T.J. Lu* and F. Xu*. Collective wetting of a natural fibrous   system and its application in pump-free droplet transfer. Advanced   Functional Materials, 27(22): 1606607, 2017

23. G. Huang, M.X. Li, Q.Z. Yang,   Y.H. Li, H. Liu, H. Yang and F. Xu*. Magnetically actuated droplet   manipulation and its potential biomedical applications. ACS Applied   Materials & Interfaces, 9(2): 1155-1166, 2017

24. B. Cheng, M. Lin, Y.H.   Li, G. Huang, H. Yang, Guy M. Genin, Vikram S. Deshpande,   T.J. Lu and F. Xu*. An integrated stochastic model of   matrix-stiffness-dependent filopodial dynamics. Biophysical Journal, 111(9): 2051-2061, 2016

25. K.W. Yong, Y.H. Li,   F.S. Liu, B. Gao, T.J. Lu, W.A.B. Wan Abas, W.K.Z. Wan Safwani, B.   Pingguan-Murphy, Y. Ma, F. Xu and G. Huang*. Paracrine effects of   adipose-derived stem cells on matrix stiffness-induced cardiac myofibroblast   differentiation via angiotensin II type 1 receptor and Smad7. Scientific Reports, 6: 33067, 2016

26. G. Huang, L.M. Tian, K.-K. Liu,   B. Hu, F. Xu, T.J. Lu, R.R. Naik and S. Singamaneni*. Elastoplastic   deformation of silk micro- and nanostructures. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2(6): 893-899, 2016

27. Y.H. Li#, G. Huang#, M. Li, L.   Wang, E.L. Elson, T. J. Lu, G.M. Genin* and F.   Xu*. An approach to   quantifying 3D responses of cells to extreme strain. Scientific Reports, 6: 19550, 2016

28. Y.H.   Li, G. Huang*, B. Gao, M.X. Li, G.M. Genin, T.J. Lu and   F. Xu*.   Magnetically-actuated cell-laden microscale hydrogels for probing   strain-induced cell responses in three dimensions. NPG Asia Materials, 8: e238, 2016

29. H. Qi*, G. Huang,   Y.L. Han, L. Wang*, S.Q. Wang, T.J. Lu and F. Xu. In vitro spatially   organizing the differentiation in individual multicellular stem cell aggregates.   Critical Reviews in Biotechnology,   36(1): 20-31, 2016

30. L. Wang#, Y.H. Li#, G. Huang, X. Zhang, B.   Pingguan-Murphy, B. Gao, T.J. Lu and F. Xu*. Hydrogel-based methods for   engineering cellular microenvironment with spatiotemporal gradients. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology,   36(3): 553-565, 2016

31. Q.C. Zhang, X. Yang, P.   Li, G. Huang, S. Feng, C. Shen, B. Han, X. Zhang, F. Jin, F. Xu* and   T.J. Lu*. Bioinspired engineering of honeycomb structure – Using nature to   inspire human innovation. Progress in   Materials Science, 74: 332-400, 2015

32. K.W.   Yong, Y.H. Li, G. Huang, T.J. Lu, W.K.Z. Wan Safwani,   B. Pingguan-Murphy and F. Xu*. Mechano-regulation   of cardiac myofibroblast differentiation: Implications for cardiac fibrosis   and therapy. American Journal of Physiology-Heart   and Circulatory Physiology, 309(4): H532-H542, 2015

33. D.T.   Chong, X.S. Liu, H.J. Ma, G. Huang, Y.L. Han, X.Y. Cui, J.J. Yan and   F. Xu*. Advances in fabricating double-emulsion   and their biomedical applications. Microfluidics   and Nanofluidics, 19(5): 1071-1090, 2015

34. Y.F.   Ma, Y. Ji, G. Huang, K. Ling, X.H. Zhang*   and F. Xu*. Bioprinting 3D cell-laden hydrogel   microarray for screening human periodontal ligament stem cells response to   extracellular matrix. Biofabrication,   7(4): 044105, 2015

35. K. Ling, G. Huang,   J. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Ma, T.J. Lu* and F. Xu*. Bioprinting-based   high-throughput fabrication of three-dimensional MCF-7 human breast cancer   cellular spheroids. Engineering,   1(2): 269-274, 2015

36. F.S.   Liu, C.H. Li, S.B. Liu, G.M. Genin, G. Huang, T.J. Lu*   and F. Xu*. Effect of viscoelasticity on skin pain   sensation. Theoretical and Applied   Mechanics Letters, 5(6): 222-226, 2015

37. L. Wang, M. Qiu, Q.   Yang, Y. Li, G. Huang, M. Lin, T.J. Lu and F. Xu*. Fabrication of   microscale hydrogels with tailored microstructures based on liquid bridge   phenomenon. ACS Applied Materials &   Interfaces, 7: 11134-11140, 2015

38. Z. Liu, Z. Wei, X.L.   Zhu, G. Huang, F. Xu, J.H. Yang, Y. Osada, M. Zrínyi, J.H. Li* and   Y.M. Chen*. Dextran-based hydrogel formed by thiol-Michael addition reaction   for 3D cell encapsulation. Colloids and   Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 128: 140-148, 2015

39. S. Liu#, P. Wang#, G. Huang, L. Wang, J. Zhou, T.J.   Lu, F. Xu and M. Lin*. Reaction-induced swelling of ionic gels. Soft Matter, 11(3): 449-455, 2015

40. 刘灏, 黄国友*, 李昱辉, 张晓慧, 卢天健和徐峰*. 基于水凝胶的自下而上组织工程技术研究进展. 中国科学-生命科学, 45(3): 256-270, 2015

41. Y.H. Li#, G.   Huang#, X.H. Zhang, L. Wang, Y.N. Du, T.J. Lu and F. Xu*.   Engineering cell alignment in vitro.   Biotechnology Advances, 32:   347–365, 2014

42. H. Qi, G. Huang,   Y.L. Han, Y.H. Li, X.H. Zhang, B. Pingguan-Murphy, T.J. Lu, F. Xu and L.   Wang. Engineering artificial machines from designable DNA materials for biomedical   applications. Tissue Engineering Part   B: Reviews, 21(3): 288-297, 2014

43. L. Wang#, G.   Huang#,*, B.Y. Sha, S.Q. Wang, Y.L. Han, J.H. Wu, T.J. Lu and   F. Xu*. Engineering three-dimensional cardiac microtissues for potential drug   screening applications. Current   Medicinal Chemistry, 21(22): 2497-2509, 2014

44. Y. Han#, S.   Wang#, X.H. Zhang, Y.H. Li, G. Huang, H. Qi, B.   Pingguan-Murphy, Y.H. Li, T.J. Lu* and F. Xu*. Engineering physical   microenvironment for stem cell based regenerative medicine. Drug Discovery   Today, 16: 763-773, 2014

45. Y.L. Han, W.Q. Wang, J.   Hu, G. Huang, S.Q. Wang, W.G. Lee,   T.J. Lu* and F. Xu*. Benchtop fabrication of three-dimensional reconfigurable   microfluidic device from paper/polymer composite, Lab on a Chip, 3(24): 4745-4749, 2013

46. X. He, P.F. Wang, G. Huang, S.B. Liu, M.L. Xu, F. Xu,   T.J. Lu, Development of a micro-indentation device for measuring the   mechanical properties of soft materials. Theoretical & Applied   Mechanics Letters, 3(5): 054004, 2013

47. Y.H. Li#, G. Huang#, X.H. Zhang,   B.Q. Li, Y.M. Chen, T.L. Lu, T.J. Lu* and F. Xu*. Magnetic hydrogels and   their potential biomedical applications, Advanced   Functional Materials, 23(6): 660-672, 2013

48. G. Huang, S.H. Wang, X. He, X.H.   Zhang, T.J. Lu* and F. Xu*. Helical spring template fabrication of cell-laden   microfluidic hydrogels for tissue engineering. Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 110(3): 980-989, 2013

49. G. Huang, X.H. Zhang, Z.P. Xiao,   Q.C. Zhang, J.X. Zhou, F. Xu* and T.J. Lu*. Cell-encapsulating microfluidic   hydrogels with enhanced mechanical stability. Soft Matter, 8(41): 10687-10694, 2012

50. G. Huang#, L. Wang#,   S.Q. Wang, Y.L. Han, J.H. Wu, Q.C. Zhang, F. Xu* and T.J. Lu*. Engineering   three-dimensional cell mechanical microenvironment with hydrogels. Biofabrication, 4(4): 042001, 2012

51. Y. Fan#, F. Xu#,*,   G. Huang, T.J. Lu and W.L. Xing*.   Single neuron capture and axonal development in three-dimensional microscale   hydrogels. Lab on a Chip, 12(22):   4724-4731, 2012

52. G. Huang#, L.H. Zhou#,   Q.C. Zhang, Y.M. Chen, W. Sun, F. Xu* and T.J. Lu*. Microfluidic hydrogels   for tissue engineering. Biofabrication,   3(1): 012001, 2011

53. L.H. Zhou, G. Huang, S.Q. Wang, J.H. Wu, W.G.   Lee, Y.M. Chen, F. Xu* and T.J. Lu*. Advances in cell-based biosensors using   three-dimensional cell-encapsulating hydrogels, Biotechnology Journal, 6(12): 1466-1476, 2011

54. J.X. Zhou, G. Huang, M.E. Li and A.K. Soh*. Stress   evolution in a phase-separating polymeric gel. Modelling and Simulation in Materials   Science and Engineering, 18(2): 025002, 2010

55. 黄国友, 徐峰, 周丽宏, 周进雄, 陈咏梅和卢天健*. 载细胞水凝胶体系中微通道结构对营养物输送能力的影响. 西安交通大学学报, 45(4): 115-120, 2010

56. 周丽宏, 陈自强, 黄国友, 翟晓, 陈咏梅, 徐峰和卢天健*. 细胞打印技术及应用. 中国生物工程杂志, 30(12): 95-104, 2010


1. 沙保勇,黄国友,徐峰,磁控高通量药物筛选血脑屏障模拟装置,中国发明专利,2017.12.19,专利号:ZL201720392842.5

2. 徐峰,黄国友,凌楷和卢天健, “一种基于水凝胶微孔板的细胞球原位制备方法,中国发明专利,2017.06.06,专利号:ZL201510025985.8

3. 徐峰,何翔,王琳,王鹏飞,黄国友和卢天健,多层PEG-DMA水凝胶的制备方法,中国发明专利,2015.07.15,专利号:ZL201310722478.0

4. 黄国友,卢天健,徐峰和周丽宏,一种力学增强型载细胞微通道水凝胶的制备方法,中国发明专利,2013.10.16,专利号:ZL201110215024.5

5. 黄国友,卢天健,徐峰和周丽宏,一种基于蔗糖纤维模板的载细胞微通道水凝胶的制备方法,中国发明专利,2013.07.10,专利号:ZL201110213980.x

6. 徐峰,卢天健和黄国友一种基于活细胞的复杂三维微通道多孔支架的制备方法,中国发明专利,2013.10.16,专利号:ZL201110259019.4


1. 血管紧张素II-1型受体在纤维化力学信号转导中的作用机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019/01-2022/12,主持

2. 三维基质硬化和软化对心肌肌成纤维细胞表型转化的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,2017/01-2019/12,主持

3. 基质塑性影响成纤维细胞向化表型转的作用研究,中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2019/06-2020/04,主持

4. 细胞纤维化表型记忆的力学生物学机制及干预作用,西安交通大学基本科研业务费青年人才培育项目,2018/01-2020/04,主持

5. 基质硬度调控下间充质干细胞对心肌肌成纤维细胞表型转化的作用,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目,2017/01-2018/12,主持

6. 基于磁力的高通量工程化心肌组织力学调控研究,西安交通大学基本科研业务费综合交叉类面上项目,2014/01-2016/12,主持










国际学术期刊评审专家:Biomaterials, Bioactive Materials,   Biophysical Journal, Biofabrication, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Acta   Biomaterialia, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical   Materials, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Frontiers in   Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Life   Sciences, Biomedical Materials