报告题目:TBM performance prediction and advance rate estimate
报告人:Jamal Rostami 美国科罗拉多矿业学院 教授

Dr. Rostami is the Hadden/Alacer Gold Endowed Chair and Director of the Excavation Engineering and Earth Mechanics Institute (EMI) of the dept. of Mining Engineering at CSM. He has a BSc in mining engineering from Univ. of Tehran, Iran and his MSc and PhD in mining engineering in 92 and 97 from CSM, respectively. He has been a faculty at Univ. of Tehran from 1988 through 2002, a full time consultant with major A&E companies from 2002 to 2007 (Brierley Asso, Jenny Engineering, CDM Smith, etc.) He joined the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), as Centennial Chair of Carrier Development in Mining in 2007 and moved back to CSM in 2016. He has over 26 years of experience in design, management, research, and teaching in the field of mining, tunneling, and underground construction. Dr. Rostami is a registered Professional Engineering (PE) in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. He has published over 70 peer reviewed journal publication and 150 conference papers and many technical reports. He is a member of SME, ASCE, ARMA, ISEE, IRSME, IRRMS, and TRB AFF-60 tunneling committee. Dr. Rostami was named the recipient 2014 of the Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America (PCMIA) 2014 Stephen McCann Memorial Educational Excellence Award. He is also the founder of Professors Without Borders (PWOB).
He is currently the editor, and as of January 2019 will be appointed as the Chief Editor of Tunneling and Underground Space Technology (published by Elsevier). He is a member of the editorial board of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering journal, and the representing UCA of SME in the Mining and Minerals Engineering journal of SME. He has represented UCA in PE committee of SME, and has arranged the UCA sessions at SME annual meeting since 2015. He is the current chair of the Research Committee and chair of the faculty/student grant selection of SME. He has been active at work group 2 and 14 of the International Tunneling Association (ITA) and has attended the WTC meetings since 2010, while serving as the member of the scientific committee of WTC for the past 4 years. He is the chair of the upcoming 4th international conference on TBM in Difficult Ground (TBM-DiG). He has offered short courses on tunneling, shaft construction, and related topics for SME and other organizations. Dr. Rostami is involved in many ongoing projects in the capacity of technical advisor and consultant. He has recently been appointed to California High Speed Rail (CAL-HSR) technical advisory panel for tunnel construction.
Performance prediction of TBMs is an essential part of project scheduling and cost estimation. This process involves a good understanding of the complexities in the site geology, machine specification, and site management. Various approaches have been used over the years to estimate TBM performance in a given ground condition, many of them were successful and within an acceptable range, while some missing the actual machine performance by a notable margin. Experience shows that the best approach for TBM performance prediction is to use various models to examine the range of estimated machine penetration and advance rates and choose a rate that best represents the working conditions that is closest to the setting of the model used for the estimation. This allows the engineers to avoid surprises and to identify the parameters that could dominate machine performance in each case. This paper reviews the existing models for performance prediction of TBMs and some of the ongoing research on developing better models for improved accuracy of performance estimate and increasing TBM utilization.