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Sai K. Vanapalli 教授学术报告

发布日期:2024-12-11 作者: 来源: 点击数:

报告题目:Modelling Behaviors of Freeze-Thaw Impacted Soils extending Disturbed State Concept

报告人:Sai K. Vanapalli 教授  University of Ottawa/渥太华大学



简介:Sai Vanapalli博士,渥太华大学土木工程系终身教授。1994年毕业于Saskatchewan大学,师从国际著名土力学专家、有“非饱和土力学之父”之称的加拿大工程院院士Fredlund教授。Vanapalli教授长期从事非饱和土的理论及工程应用相关研究,在国际知名岩土工程期刊、重要国际会议上发表论文近400篇,引用12000多次,其于1996年在CGJ以及1999年在Géotechnique上发表的两篇论文分别为非饱和土的强度理论和结构-持水特性理论奠定了基础。2020年以来连续5年入选斯坦福大学全球前2%科学家榜单。

Abstract:This presentation focuses on the volumetric behaviors of soils during freeze-thaw (FT) cycles and the subsequent one-dimensional compression processes. A model extending the disturbed state concept (DSC) is proposed to model the compression behaviors of FT-impacted soils. Its feasibility for different types of soils, including low-plastic and high-plastic clays, and high-plastic organic soils is validated using published data from the literature.